Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Basically this first post is to explain why, why am I blogging about my adventure. The adventure you ask. The adventure is to not eat out for dinner for 365 days in a row. There of course is a few exceptions such as when we eat dinner at either of our parents house and when we get gift cards to restuarants from friends as presents. Why am I put myself through this? Numerous reasons---1) To save money of course. You must think for a family of my size when we go out to eat we spend on average 60 to 70 dollars a meal unless it is fast food then we spend about 25 to 30 dollars. That is INSANE!!!. I spend approximately 100 dollars on groceries a week in this house. 2) I want to feel accomplished about doing this adventure. I must admit myself I am a little skeptical myself but I believe if I put my mind to it I can do anything.

And some of you who don't really know may ask who are you. Well in short I am a wife, a mother, a worker and a student rolled into one giant bundle of energy and most of the time happiness. I have a wonderful husband who does cook and clean and is a wonderful father all on top of working a full time job. We will just refer to him as EWoo. I have three beautiful and outgoing and loveable and gorgeous children. My 6 year old boy, is a 1st grader and has the appetite of a horse. Doesn't really complain about anything that is put in front of him and consumes it at irregular speeds. We will call him Bubba. Then there is my 4 year old little one, she is a little bit more a picky eater. Doesn't like casseroles or her food touching and occassionally makes faces at dinner that kinda remind me of her having to eat poop. And don't worry we don't she did inform us that she don't like poop. Her nickname is Ms.Em. And then we have my newest addition to the house, the Doodle, she is almost 5 months old and has the appetite of a full grown toodler. That basically wraps up my life.

We do struggle fiancially in this house but we do the best that we can with what we have. I tend to spend between 100 to 150 dollars on groceries a week and that includes all household items, i.e. toilet paper, formula, soap and detergent. I will be posting what we did have dinner and my weekly menu and what I spent at the grocery store, with the occassionally posting of life in general.

I do enjoy comments and love to hear feedback so always keep that in mind when you are reading this. Well here it goes.

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